Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Because we may gather certain information from you and other users of the SutiSoft website and services, we are providing this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used (the " Privacy Policy").

This Privacy Policy shall be deemed part of the User Agreement, and your use of the SutiSoft Offerings, as defined in the User Agreement, is subject to both the User Agreement, available at, and this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will provide notification of the change at least thirty (30) business days before the change takes effect.

This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the SutiSoft website.

The Information We Collect:
We may require people who register to use or access the SutiSoft Offerings to give us certain information about themselves and/or their company. Depending on the access, products and services chosen, we may ask for contact and account information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, e-mail address, password and the number of users in the organization who will be using the SutiSoft Offerings, in addition to financial and billing information, such as billing name, address and credit card number. We may also ask for additional personal or company information, and will indicate whether such additional information is required to use the SutiSoft Offerings or whether such additional information is optional. If such additional information is optional, you may opt out of providing additional information by not entering it in the Website. If you have an account with us, you can update or remove your personal information by logging into the Website and editing your account information.

"Personally Identifiable Information" is any piece of information which can be traced back to a specific individual user and thus potentially be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate that specific individual. Examples of Personally Identifiable Information include names, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and other unique identifiers. In no event will SutiSoft sell or transfer Personally Identifiable Information to third parties, or otherwise provide third parties with access thereto, except as specifically provided in this Privacy Policy and/or in our applicable User Agreement.

The Way We Use Information:
SutiSoft uses the information we collect to operate, maintain, improve, and provide to our users and customers the SutiSoft Offerings. We may also use the information to contact customers and potential customers to discuss an interest in SutiSoft and the SutiSoft Offerings, and to send communications such as promotion and event announcements regarding SutiSoft or our partners. We may also e-mail a customer newsletter and updates about the SutiSoft Offerings or SutiSoft. You can opt out of receiving these communications at any time by e-mailing

Any and all financial and billing information that we collect through the SutiSoft Offerings is used only to check the qualifications of potential customers and to bill customers for the SutiSoft Offerings . Billing information that consists of Personally Identifiable Information is not used by SutiSoft for marketing or promotional purposes (although SutiSoft may use such information in ways which do not personally identify individuals, such as for aggregating information that identifies customer locations, etc.) .

SutiSoft customers may use the SutiSoft Offerings to host data and information. SutiSoft will not review, share, distribute, print, or reference any such data except in connection with providing such SutiSoft Offerings, as provided in the User Agreement or in an applicable written agreement between SutiSoft and that customer, or as may be required by law. Users of the SutiSoft Offerings are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their user registration and passwords. SutiSoft may view or access individual records only in order to resolve a problem or support issue with the Website or the SutiSoft Offerings.

SutiSoft may use one or more third-party intermediaries to manage credit-card processing or provide services on behalf of SutiSoft. Such intermediary(s) shall be restricted from using such information except in the course of providing services to SutiSoft or to you.

SutiSoft may also collect additional information, such as Internet addresses and other non-personally identifiable information, from users of the SutiSoft Offerings. Such information may be used to help diagnose technical problems and to administer the Website and Services to constantly improve quality. SutiSoft may also track and analyze non-identifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from visitors and customers and provide such information to third parties.

If SutiSoft is acquired by or merges into another company, the acquiring company will obtain all the information held by SutiSoft but will be required to continue to comply with SutiSoft's privacy policy as it may be updated from time to time.

Cookies are files Web browsers place on a computer's hard drive. They are used to help us authenticate clients and provide time saving shortcuts and preferences. When a user follows a link to the Website from an affiliate or promotion, SutiSoft stores information about that affiliate or promotion in a session cookie. Acceptance of these cookies is optional; you may disable cookies or otherwise manage them through tools provided with your browser software and with third-party software packages. In addition to the optional cookies described above, SutiSoft issues a mandatory session cookie to each user of the Website only to record encrypted authentication information for the duration of a specific session. If you reject this cookie, access to and usage of certain portions of the Website will be denied.

Third-Party Sites
The Website contains links to third-party websites. SutiSoft is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party web sites. You will need to check the policy statement of these others websites to understand their policies. If you or another user accesses a linked site, you or such other user may be disclosing information private to you or to such user. It is the responsibility of the user to keep such information private and confidential.

Our Commitment To Data Security
SutiSoft has security measures in place for the Website and the Services to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the data under SutiSoft's control. When the Services are accessed using Netscape Navigator, or Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 4.0 or higher, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology protects information using both server authentication and data encryption to help ensure data is safe, secure and available only to you. Finally, SutiSoft requires unique user names and passwords that must be entered each time a customer logs on. These safeguards help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of data.

Opt-Out Policy
SutiSoft offers you a means to choose how we may use information you provide. If, at any time after registering for information or ordering the SutiSoft Offerings, you change your mind about receiving information from us or about sharing information with third parties, send us a request specifying your new choice. Send your request to You may not be able to opt out of all information sharing, however, such as information sharing with credit card processors in connection with services that you order from SutiSoft.

Child Protection
We do not offer services to, or target, persons under the age of 13. In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, we will purge any information we receive from people we believe to be children under 13 from our database and cancel the corresponding accounts.

How To Contact Us
Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please email us at

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